Monday, February 22, 2010

Paz is here at last! Why though he is not quite sure.

Ok, so hello all, and as the title suggests i have finally bit the bullet and decided to attempt a blog, also i am not quite sure why or what i will even talk about so that bound to be interesting. Chances are i will do a lot of complaining, i quite like complaining. Maybe even occasionally bring up some news, sports, music, science and tech, day to day happenings or just some  good ol' plain weird shit. There is also a strong possibility that i will grow bored of this very quickly and end up posting once and forget it even exists. So if anybody has a topic suggestion or something interesting please do let me know, it would be most welcome.

So hopefully something will jump out at me this week and i can share my thoughts, maybe, just maybe they might be interesting(this is however unlikely). Well, thats about it for now i have a beer or four to finish and must be off.

